Daily Archive for March 15th, 2006


在哥普拉的電影《教父續集》中,Frank Pentangeli「出賣」Michael不成,Michael派出軍師Tom Hagen探望Frank,兩人有以下的一段對話:

Tom Hagen: When a plot against the Emperor failed… the plotters were always given a chance… to let their families keep their fortunes. Right?

Frank Pentangeli: Yeah, but only the rich guys, Tom. The little guys got knocked off and all their estates went to the Emperors. Unless they went home and killed themselves, then nothing happened. And the families… the families were taken care of.

Tom Hagen: That was a good break. A nice deal.

Frank Pentangeli: Yeah… They went home… and sat in a hot bath… opened up their veins… and bled to death… and sometimes they had a little party before they did it.




Mike Wallace “retires” from 60 Minutes

邁克.華萊士於控制室中(AP via UK Yahoo! News

標題,是引自哥倫比亞廣播公司的報道的,不過稍作改動:即將慶祝八十八歲生日的華萊士(Mike Wallace),宣布將在本季的《六十分鐘雜誌》(60 Minutes,奇怪,以前不是叫《六十分鐘時事雜誌》麼?)完結後「退休」,不過所講退休並非從此結束記者生涯,而是成為「桂冠通訊員」(Correspondent Emeritus),仍然會出動為節目做採訪,不過數量不像現時那麼多而矣,所以 “retires” 一詞,還是加上括號比較有趣。

《六十分鐘雜誌》在港是周四播放,不過我通常是在周五深夜重播時看的。看了好些年,這些記者們都不知不覺地這麼「老」了,相比之下,Dan Rather可算是「年青」了(當然,也有比Rather更年青的)。但話得說回來,華萊士「淡出」我感覺不會太強烈,但如果比華萊士更老的Andy Rooney退休,我就真的是會捨不得--因為每集節目,最精采的就是Andy Rooney那兩分多三分鐘、指點江山笑談天下事的那段!(我也有訂閱他的Podcast呢!)

CBS News:Mike Wallace Retires From ’60 Minutes’ – P.1, P.2
NY Times:Mike Wallace Retiring From ’60 Minutes’
Reuters:Mike Wallace of “60 minutes” to retire
AP:Wallace to Stop Being ’60 Minutes’ Regular