在哥普拉的電影《教父續集》中,Frank Pentangeli「出賣」Michael不成,Michael派出軍師Tom Hagen探望Frank,兩人有以下的一段對話:
Tom Hagen: When a plot against the Emperor failed… the plotters were always given a chance… to let their families keep their fortunes. Right?
Frank Pentangeli: Yeah, but only the rich guys, Tom. The little guys got knocked off and all their estates went to the Emperors. Unless they went home and killed themselves, then nothing happened. And the families… the families were taken care of.
Tom Hagen: That was a good break. A nice deal.
Frank Pentangeli: Yeah… They went home… and sat in a hot bath… opened up their veins… and bled to death… and sometimes they had a little party before they did it.
我想起來了,後來Frank 自殺了事。
So, this is what Donald means by “strong governance”! The whole thing, in my view, amounts only to an exploitation of public sentiment, in particular people’s negative perception about the fault-ridden KCRC and its high-paid managerial staff, to serve political ends.
Of course, we have to give credit to our CE and his aides working at the War Room for their accurate assessment of the community pulse. How could one resist siding against those staging a coup. How could a company afford to have enemies from within?!
And we should not forget to compliment Mr Tien for his craftsmanship in claiming the moral high ground of being “Westernized”, of promoting “transparency” and “accountability”. What exactly does he mean by these values and how he intends to carry them out remain, of course, unsaid.
Neither side has my sympathy. But I have to say I’m a bit concerned when I heard people say, “打工仔都係吾好槁甘多野”.