Daily Archive for April 24th, 2006

Survey of New Media @ The Economist

上周(四月二十二日)的出版的新一期《經濟學人》(左圖為封面),發表了有關新媒體的研究報告,題為 “Among the audience: A survey of new media” ,原文長達十六頁,觸及的範圍包括網誌、播客(Podcast)、維基百科、以至這些新媒體對傳媒的衝擊、新聞行業的挑戰及未來傳統傳媒大機構應向哪個方向方展等議題。網上版提供了兩篇文章免費供網民閱讀,其中一篇是講述網誌的,不過要閱讀整份研究報告,就必須買下整本雜誌(五十大元,勁貴)讀 Hard Copy ,或在網上買下報告的PDF版。

在報告中講述維基百科文章(只供訂戶觀看)中,作者其中一個重點,是放在維基百科與《大英百科全書》(Encyclopedia Britannica)競爭上。眾所周知,《大英百科全書》一直宣稱自己才是最好的,對維基百科那種人人都可編輯、但也沒有權威嚴謹的編輯機制,是採取不屑甚至是鄙視的態度的。不過文末最後一段,尤其是最後一句,堪稱是「抵死」非常:

Somebody who reads Wikipedia is “rather in the position of a visitor to a public restroom,” says Mr McHenry, Britannica’s former editor. “It may be obviously dirty, so that he knows to exercise great care, or it may seem fairly clean, so that he may be lulled into a false sense of security. What he certainly does not know is who has used the facilities before him.” One wonders whether people like Mr McHenry would prefer there to be no public lavatories at all.
