Daily Archive for January 13th, 2005


這是今日英國《太陽報》的封面。哈里王子真是「鑊鑊新鮮鑊鑊甘」!該報題為「小丑王子」的社論更加抵死,一句”His great grandmother, the Queen Mum, will be turning in her grave.”,真是「串到應一應」!




Strawberry Field No More…. (Associated Press)

披頭四的作品《永遠的草莓田》(Strawberry Field Forever),是一九六七年的作品。草莓田確有其物,是利物浦市一個由救世軍管理的兒童院,約翰連儂小時,曾在此渡過了不少時光--他不是住在兒童院,而是家在草莓田附近,所以約翰連儂不時到那裡與朋友玩。結果他在六十年代追憶往事,寫下這首樂曲。

然而草莓田不再。今日的其中一宗新聞,就是救世軍宣布,由於住在兒童院的兒童數量愈來愈少(現時只有三人),加上組織漸以寄養方式照料兒童,所以決定在二零零七年關閉這個因為披頭四而聲名大噪的兒童院。英國廣播公司的報道,題為Beatles’ Strawberry Field to Shut,由此可見這個地方,已與披頭四連成一起了。現時不知道草莓田現址將會變成怎樣--約翰連儂在遺囑中,為草莓田留下了贈款,其妻大野洋子多年來也捐款不少,可能也有一班披頭四迷會出資保留此地--但是看到這個消息,總覺得有點傷感。

記得三年半前大學畢業時,一個人在英國旅行了個多月,其中一個探訪過的城市就是利物浦。到利物浦的原因,除了是參觀當地的利物浦球會外,還是進行「披頭四朝聖之旅」,當地有坐著「魔幻神秘旅行團」(Magical Mystery Tour)的巴士,到市內各個披頭四熱點參觀的旅行團,不過在我抵達利物浦的當日,那個旅行團剛好客滿,以致我未能一睹草莓田的真貌,只有被迫參觀市內的披頭四博物館The Beatles Story。現在回憶起來,真是可惜可惜!希望在這個地方關門前,再有機會到當地參觀罷。


Let me take you down, ’cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout.
Strawberry Fields forever.

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.
It’s getting hard to be someone but it all works out, it doesn’t matter much to me.
Let me take you down, ’cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout.
Strawberry Fields forever.

No one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low.
That is you can’t you know tune in but it’s all right, that is I think it’s not too bad.
Let me take you down, ’cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout.
Strawberry Fields forever.

Always, no sometimes, think it’s me, but you know I know when it’s a dream.
I think I know I mean a ‘Yes’ but it’s all wrong, that is I think I disagree.
Let me take you down, ’cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout.
Strawberry Fields forever.
Strawberry Fields forever.