
一直認為,伊朗總統艾哈邁迪內賈德(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)是個「人物」,只因他的言論夠出位,同時也很有「特色」,所以都有留意他的言論--工作如是,讀書如是,寫泊也如是。

英國第四頻道(Channel 4)在每年的聖誕節,都有名為「另類聖誕文告」(Alternative Christmas Message)的環節,所謂「另類」者,除了與英女王聖誕文告區別之餘,當中的人選也的確夠「另類」:碧姬芭鐸Ali GJamie Oliver以至《阿森一族》的Marge都是其中之一。今年選了艾哈邁迪內賈德(上圖,有英文字幕),絕不奇怪也,英國政府等人呱呱叫,也是意料之內。(沒有人批評才是新聞呢)


If Christ were on earth today, undoubtedly He would stand with the people in opposition to bullying, ill-tempered and expansionist powers.

If Christ were on earth today, undoubtedly He would hoist the banner of justice and love for humanity to oppose warmongers, occupiers, terrorists and bullies the world over.

If Christ were on earth today, undoubtedly He would fight against the tyrannical policies of prevailing global economic and political systems, as He did in His lifetime.

心起疑問:怎麼耶穌若然有世的話,會變成一個革命家、起義首領以至政治領袖?讀書時所讀的《聖經》章節,老早已經還給教師了,不過馬太福音其中一句「這樣,凱撒的物當歸給凱撒;神的物當歸給 上帝」(馬22:21)倒是記得的。假設四部福音書所說的耶穌生平是可信的話(純綷假設,因為從來不能百分百作實嘛),耶穌似乎沒有搞政治的傾向--艾哈邁迪內賈德說耶穌會反抗好戰者、佔領者、恐怖分子及欺凌者,不用多說,後者意指美國(及其盟友),但是換了是耶穌的年代,他也好像沒有要率眾作羅馬的反罷。即使回教視耶穌只是先知,又或是當時與現在的社會完全不同,但認知差別也不至於這樣大吧。


5 Responses to “這篇文告真另類”

  1. 1 ivy is using Safari Safari 525.27.1 on Mac OS Mac OS X:


  2. 2 Eric Tsui is using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 3.0.5 on Windows Windows XP:

    I have some point to add. While Jesus did not intended to overthrown the Romans, he was hostile to the local religious leaders. His concern could not be said to be simply religious, as religious leaders at the time (or, indeed, in most time throughout the history) are also local political leaders. At many of the recorded teachings of Jesus pointed to the oppression exerted by these religious leaders (e.g. strict regulations, religious tax.)

    When Jesus said “to Caesar the things belonged to Caesar”, local religious leaders were trying to set him up, hoping that the Romans could arrest him by provoking him to say something anti-Roman. My interpretation is that he wanted to say that “I concerned about local injustice, don’t mess it up with the problem of Jewish identity or the affairs of foreigners!”

    It would be controversial, however, if we attempt to find a modern analoge of Jesus’s thinking. The political system tranformed a lot in last centuries, and it would be inrecognizable for someone living in 1st Century.

    Some how these religious discourses are open to interpretation. It may be useful (though many would doubt the usefulness) for self-reflection, to use it to examine our personal values. It yield nothing if we attempt to use religious discourse to prove something. I’d bet that some Americans would say something similar, claiming that their war of terror was an act following the path of Jesus’s righteousness. In the public arena, the only thing that religious discourses could prove are probably the self-righteousness and ignorance of the speaker.

  3. 3 sunfai is using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox on Windows Windows XP:

    我倒一直相信耶穌是個基進份子, 起碼衪當年總是站在受壓迫者的一群當中。當年他讓麻瘋病人、性工作者靠近衪, 並祝福她, 其政治意義不會比今天同性戀者爭取權益要低。

    至於今人如何演譯衪的行為及話語, 那又是萬千個版本了。

  4. 4 Jake is using Safari Safari 523.15 on Mac OS Mac OS X:

    i see…

  5. 5 Isleoffools is using Safari Safari 525.19 on Mac OS Mac OS X:

    I suppose Jesus won’t be very keen on wiping Israel from the map.

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