半桶水,thank you very much for the link, which is really helpful. It’s to my astonishment that people are so enthusiastic and professional in seeing movies, in particular those made by renowned directors, that I’m unable to join any of the discussions among them. However, I wonder if the general movie viewers would bother to check those FAQ, etc after seeing a picture. Gone through some of the FAQ. Frankly, it is still beyond my depth to understand the last part. By comparison with the rest, I maintain that the last part of the picture is太爛. This picture reminds me of 倪匡的衛斯理小說:they’re always「虎頭蛇尾、草草收場」。Views to enlighten me further are much appreciated.
我也要說句對不起, 因為你不懂欣賞
The last part is太爛了。 Please count me in不懂欣賞。
我很喜歡Coen兄弟的”Fargo”和”The man who wasn’t there”。”Old Men”好像太多黑色,卻不夠幽默,我覺得”There will be blood”好一點。
甘你一定吾鐘意 “神探” “大隻佬”之類既電影
To Mum:
未知你是看不懂The last part抑或看懂了The last part還是覺得The last part is太爛?
have a look, maybe you will find the movie and the last part different^^”
一樣米食百樣人. 何需大驚小怪?
半桶水,thank you very much for the link, which is really helpful. It’s to my astonishment that people are so enthusiastic and professional in seeing movies, in particular those made by renowned directors, that I’m unable to join any of the discussions among them. However, I wonder if the general movie viewers would bother to check those FAQ, etc after seeing a picture. Gone through some of the FAQ. Frankly, it is still beyond my depth to understand the last part. By comparison with the rest, I maintain that the last part of the picture is太爛. This picture reminds me of 倪匡的衛斯理小說:they’re always「虎頭蛇尾、草草收場」。Views to enlighten me further are much appreciated.
我有個英文很差的朋友看了解讀說他明白了,mum英文很好,讀不懂的應該不是那些英文,是不是覺得太牽強?兩個夢境的用意簡單來說就是點明題旨”old man”,老人怕死,怕死後的審判,主角莫仔被殺,兇手捉不到,他怕死後無顏面面對祖父和父親。電影開首是警長的獨白,交待祖上都是當警官的,結局除了點題也玩結構來個首尾呼應。說他草草收場當然也可以,的確挺突兀的。
半桶水君,再次多謝。回想起來,Fargo較平淡易明,但old man如果刪去後半部,評價會更高。一般導演成名後,作品便開始玩一些手法,變得曲高和寡,套用內地的說法,是逐漸脱離群眾。本地亦有一名這樣的導演。其實歷久常新的電影巨制,毋須弄得生人勿近。好似大國民咁,我讀中學時都睇得明;至於教父,更是平鋪直敘,但仍不損其經典地位。如果我無記錯,每年選出的百年經典電影,頭幾名的,都係嗰d婦孺都明白的作品。謝賜教,有機會再談。
同你一樣,睇完想爆粗,早知去隔離睇 Juno好過。