Hi all,
After all those LONG queues and EXTREMELY STRICT security checks, I was able to fly out from London Heathrow on 1330GMT yesterday (believe me, it was QUITE A SCENE there), and my flight touched down in Singapore a few moments ago. However the flight was late for an hour and hence I missed my next flight to HK. So I won’t be able to get out of Changi before 1100am… Well, I can take a short rest here after all – it is so tiring!
As Vivi puts it in her comment to my last post, I became the “unlucky one”, and there is going to be a long story to tell. More till I am back in HK!
UPDATE @ 4:00PM: 終於返到屋企啦,萬歲!
Awwww… that must have been quite an experience. I originally thought you might have already left london for Singapore before the new measures started.
Looking forward to your writing about it! Take care!
昨晚看YAHOO 新聞見到這個 : 保安局提醒遊英港人注意安全
便想貼上來, 後來想你也回港了, 不怕掛. 怎知, 噢…
Hi you are considered to be lucky. Those flying BA are even worse. I am still in UK. Sounds like it is a big plot, at least the government here says so. Start to read your blog recently, because of Mr Hung’s recommendation. Enjoy reading your blog. Keep regular posting