我是比較支持希拉妮的,但大局已定,只怪她去年太掉以輕心。為了安撫民心,我想奧巴馬一定會找個辦法安置她的。就算希拉妮當副總統可能爭權,也只能"chalk it up to necessary evil"了。
如果奧巴馬同意希拉莉當vp,我想早幾天希拉莉便會退選,不用拖到現在。民主黨內的院老,JOHN KERRY早於超級星期二前已ENDORSE 奧巴馬、KENNDY家族亦在未超希拉莉前已ENDORSE,希拉莉係黨內的大老,跟本沒有什麼支持,戈爾亦係非常反CLINTON的一員,今天連卡達都反對麼夢幻奧希配,希拉莉已成歷史。
Oh thank you for this piece. I am a Hillary supporter too (and have blogged about her candidacy for quite a bit of time now). I’m grateful on behalf of your Hillary supporting classmate that you sometimes joined in the debates so that it wasn’t just two-against-one.
Obviously by now Hillary has graciously conceded. Personally I have nothing particularly against Obama – indeed, to use his own words, I find him “likeable enough”. What really turns me off are his fanatical supporters (the vitriol and Hilllary hate spewed in online blogs by Obamatons is something to behold), and his less-than-clean campaign, despite his own vaunting rhetoric (which I’ve just blogged about).
Re: the Latino vote, actually they strongly backed Clinton, so if Obama is serious about courting their votes, he would be wise to pick Hillary as a running mate. There just simply isn’t a Latino VP candidate charismatic enough on the scene yet to draw general election votes, either on the Repugs or the Democrats’ side. And if Obama is indeed trying to pick a Latino VP, then the ticket may potentially be considered by the white majority in the U.S. as simply too much (sad but true). So PK_LSD’s suggestion is just way too unrealistic in the current political climate.
In any case, Obama’s problem is not so much with the Latinos per se, it is with WOMEN sick of the sexist campaign tactics and misogynistic media coverage that has pervaded this primary season. That is the reason why they are outraged, and why it is actually wise for Clinton NOT to concede immediately on Tuesday night, when she had just won South Dakota. Her 18 million strong supporters would not have allowed her to concede that night, irrespective of her own feelings or her desire to steal Obama’s limelight.
Anyway, just to address a couple of points in PK_LSD’s comment:
PK wrote “如果奧巴馬同意希拉莉當vp,我想早幾天希拉莉便會退選,不用拖到現在。民主黨內的院老,JOHN KERRY早於超級星期二前已ENDORSE 奧巴馬、KENNDY家族亦在未超希拉莉前已ENDORSE,希拉莉係黨內的大老,跟本沒有什麼支持,戈爾亦係非常反CLINTON的一員,今天連卡達都反對麼夢幻奧希配,希拉莉已成歷史。”
John Kerry is not being held in that high a regard within the Democratic party after his failed bid to oust Bush back in 2004. Also, it is untrue to say that the entire Kennedy family has come on the side of Obama. Edward and Caroline Kennedy endorsed Obama; but three of Bobby Kennedy’s onsprings endorsed Clinton (and in fact why the whole RFK assassination claim being a veiled suggestion for Obama assassination is a complete lie; Clinton was comparing herself to Bobby, and if she’s suggesting anything about assasination – which she didn’t – it would have been in reference to herself!). Carter’s endorsement came very late, but it’s not surprising that he plumbs for Obama (after all, there are many similarities between Carter’s and Obama’s candidacies, and not many of these similarities bode too well for the general election, see the most recent front page article in the New York Metro magazine). Gore actually hasn’t declared his endorsement for anybody. And actually he would have been my Number One choice has he consented to the Draft Gore campaign.
In any case, the point is not so much for the DLC party elders thought. There is a whole schism between the Dem Party leadership and its rank and file members because of the whole convoluted primary process (Michigan and Florida in particular). Getting endorsement from the Party elders no longer carry the kind of weight with ordinary voters come General Election time as they might have been, especially when millions are still angry with the Dem party’s wussy conduct over NOT impeaching Bush and Cheney for their war crimes.
PK wrote: “在此聲明本人非常討厭CLINTON。”
Thank you for the disclosure. But WHY???? Where did your hate stem from? But your being upfront about it as an Obama supporter explains a lot of the vitriol that has been directed in online at Hillary supporters, where there is zero room for rational debates, just a whole hate fest. Given this context, even though I don’t approve of it and think it rather silly and counterproductive, I can understand the sentiments of Hillary supporters like Alex’s classmate who vowed to vote McCain rather than vote for Obama. If the Obama supporters have shown even a modicum of respect to their Hillary counterparts during the primary season, they won’t be fomenting this movement of McCainocrats and new bloc of female swing voters. Disrespectfully telling (or in many cases just plain threatening) Hillary that she has to work flat out to move women votes to Obama, without the Obama camp actually trying to address women’s concerns in concrete manners (not just in another pretty speech), would just make more women determined to vote McCain. Telling voters that they have no viable alternative but to vote for you is a sure way of losing people’s votes.
Sorry for my typos here and there. But I especially want to correct this one: I meant “Bobby Kennedy’s OFFsprings” and not “Bobby Kennedy’s onsprings”!