Beatles Forever

Cover of 朋友C與我一樣,都迷披頭四。對方數年前曾問我,我喜歡哪個時期的披頭四,我當時不加思索就答:「還用問?當然是前期的歌啦!」然後我又問對方:「哪麼你的選擇是?」

對方答:「當然是 “Magical Mystery Tour” (右圖,Scanning from Original CD Booklet)啦!」


我發現我自己的音樂口味經常在變,音樂類型固然如此(流行曲到古典到歌劇到爵士),披頭四的音樂也如此。讀中學時初次接觸披頭四的音樂,第一首聽的歌就是 “Love Me Do” ,之後聽的都是他們早期的成名作,第一印象之深自不待言。那時總認為,後期風格的披頭四音樂太複雜,也太吵。

Abbey Road, London不過隨著歲月增加(多麼爛的Gag!),對披頭四的歷史及發展知得愈多之後,開始發現他們停止在外演唱(最後一場演唱會,就是在三藩市的Candlestick Park)之後,在倫敦阿比路錄音室(左圖,本年八月攝)所創作的音樂,其創意及形式才是真正的多樣化。《胡椒軍曹寂寞芳心俱樂部》(Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band)固然百聽不厭,但是《魔法奇幻之旅》(Magical Mystery Tour)--怎麼說呢?--我真的被它的「魔幻」迷住了。當中一首 “I am the Walrus” 更是本人iPod熱播的歌曲:我想,我就是喜歡它夠怪(其歌詞實在十分難明)、夠「玩野」(請看當年的Music Video)及它的編曲夠得意(由立體聲變成「假」立體聲)罷。

見隔鄰的Radio Blog久未更新,也順道選了十首披頭四的歌:
1. Magical Mystery Tour
2. I am the Walrus
3. Hello, Goodbye
4. Penny Lane (想起村上春樹的書中,那個會哼歌中花腔段的秘書)
5. Strawberry Field Forever (可惜現實中的草莓田已經關閉了
6. With a Little Help From My Friends (到最近才發現主唱者是Ringo!)
7. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (很喜歡Lennon的唱法)
8. A Day In The Life
9. Across The Universe
10. The Long and Winding Road (每次聽也有觸動)

3 Responses to “Beatles Forever”

  1. 1 Carl from L.A. is using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows XP:

    As much as I like music mostly from the last 25 years and is the centerpiece of my webcast, I have programmed a lot of Beatles music on my internet station because their music is simply timeless. My favorite album is probably “Rubber Soul” when, in my opinion, their sound begins to mature. My favorite songs by the Beatles are “In my life” “Let it be” “Something” “Norwegian Woods” and “Girl”.

  2. 2 is using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows XP:
  3. 3 KEVINSIGMA is using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows 2000:

    關於7. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds 這首歌
    裡頭的Lucy的L Sky的S Diamonds的D

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