



10 Responses to “好唔開心!”

  1. 1 Jenny is using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows 2000:

    我部ipod 都死死地…我又唔記得保養期前買apple care, 整要2700…迫住買個部…shit

  2. 2 公園仔 is using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 1.0.6 on Mac OS Mac OS X:

    我聽聞ipod mini換電要HK$1,200。


  3. 3 Shizugi is using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 on Windows Windows XP:


  4. 4 rururu is using Safari Safari 416.12 on Mac OS Mac OS X:


  5. 5 diana is using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows XP:


  6. 6 Debbie is using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows XP:

    咦~我部腦又係瓜左噃, 粒CPU 痴痴地後連HD都死埋, 搞到我要搵番部舊腦頂住先, 慢到呢…而IBM真係又貴又寸架, 同佢地訂新機, 佢地竟然話ORDER太多接唔哂, 叫我等得就訂啦~頂!

    本來諗住自己砌番部既, 但係相熟既鋪頭又執鬼左, 呢排黑黑地, 都係費時再賴多次野, 結果嬲嬲地走去DELL買套機, 搞完哂UPGRADE都係七千銀, 又唔洗我煩, 又唔駛我受氣!

  7. 7 Carl from L.A. is using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows XP:

    Here in the U.S. we can buy a decent new PC (with XP loaded) for less than US$300, a laptop for less than US$500. Buy a new one - it’s much easier that way.

  8. 8 錢恨少 is using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows 2000:


  9. 9 Ying is using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 1.0.4 on Windows Windows XP:

    Don’t cry! It’s a time to get a brand new one, have a fresh start again!

  1. 1 聞.見.思.錄 » To be, or not to be?

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