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Peter Jennings, 1938-2005

左至右:詹寧斯、布羅考、丹拉瑟。時為二零零四年。(via ABC News

隨著彼德.詹寧斯周日晚因肺癌病逝後,上圖「三巨頭」主持美國晚間新聞的年代,也正式宣布結束(雖然看CBS的《六十分鐘時事雜誌》仍可看到丹拉瑟的報道)。眾多紀念或追述詹寧斯生平的文章中,我覺得寫得最好的,是BBC記者約翰.辛普森的文章: “One of the best”

ABC News: Peter Jennings Dies at 67
New York Times: Peter Jennings, Urbane News Anchor, Dies at 67
CBS News: Newsman Jennings Dead At 67
NBC’s Daily Nightly: Remembering Peter Jennings
BBC News Forum: NYC Out of the Ashes, 17 December 2001


美國時間八月八日晚上的ABC World News Tonight,十分好看。

又:ABC網站設有專題,紀念Peter Jennings,可按此觀看

5 Responses to “Peter Jennings, 1938-2005”

  1. 冬冬 using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows XP:

    I was shocked when I saw the news last night. Out of the three (Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and him) I liked him the best. :(

    I was very surprised that he’s 67 years old also, he looks so young!

    Still remember the day of 911, I saw him on the news at 6:30am, then throughout the day I turned on the news, and was shocked to see him still on tv. He must’ve been on for 24 hour straight that day…

  2. momingshi using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows 2000:

    the moral of this story is don’t smoke.

  3. 大雄網站 using WordPress WordPress


    早上看晨早節目,得知晚間新聞節目主持人Peter Jennings昨天離世,享年六十七歲。關於他的事蹟,聞見思錄兄已經有作網摘,所以我就不重覆多說了。

  4. Ada using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows XP:

    pls read my OD for some comments on the pass-away of Peter Jennings~ =)

  5. Carl using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows Windows XP:

    On a somewhat related note - rumor has it that Katie Couric, from NBC’s “Today” will be heading over to CBS to anchor the evening news.

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